Happy Valentine's Day! The Sale runs February 6th through the 16th!

Are you having issues with your Photonic Health device?
Step 1: Select Your Device
Do you have a non-Photonic Health device that is not working?
We can fix that! Click the button below and fill out the repair form. Once we receive your form, we will be in contact with you via email on the next steps.
All warranty issues must start here and complete the troubleshooting on the following page.
You will be prompted at the end of the troubleshooting to see if any of the troubleshooting tips solved your issue. If they have not been fixed with troubleshooting then you will be directed to the warranty claim form.
You MUST fill out a warranty claim form on the website to begin any warranty claim.
Any warranties sent in without the warranty claim form will be sent back to the client without being repaired and will need to be sent back in at the clients cost after a warranty claim form is filled out.
If you have any questions about the Photonic Health Warranty process you can contact us at [email protected]*.